The Flight.
An inspiring tale of Cammie’s personal journey through the opioid epidemic
The Flight Trailer
The Christopher Wolf Crusade
Preorder Cammie Wolf Rice’s inspiring and emotional story of personal empowerment today. When you buy the book, 100% of the proceeds go to her nonprofit organization, the Christopher Wolf Crusade! Learn more about the opioid crisis while helping put an end to it.
The Christopher Wolf Crusade
One day God decided to launch an airline. The first of its kind. Every city will be serviced, every airport is convenient. You can fly anywhere your heart desires, and while you may not arrive on schedule, you will always arrive on time. There’s one thing that separates God’s airline from its commercial competitors. Every ticket is free, but it will cost you everything.
Service is exceptional. The staff attends to your every need. In fact, they know what you need before you ask. Overwhelm each passenger with kindness is their motto. The people you meet, the conversations you have remain with you for a lifetime. The passenger list is a beautiful mosaic. Next to you may be a corporate CEO, and next to him a homeless man. Right across the aisle may be a nun, and next to her an atheist. God never discriminates. All are welcome, even those who don’t believe in Him. But while the people are different, the purpose for their journey is exactly the same.
This airline wasn’t built to safely deliver you to your destination. This airline was built to transport you to your purpose. This airline was built to take you places you would never go alone. On each flight, right after the safety announcements, the flight attendant draws your attention to the front as she reads a message for your journey.
Read. Watch. Listen. Enjoy.
Christopher Wolf Crusade founder Came Wolf Rice has been featured in:

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May 29 – 1HR 3MIN
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May 29 – 1HR 3MIN
Episode title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer diam nonummy nibh
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May 29 – 1HR 3MIN
Episode title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer diam nonummy nibh
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What people are saying
“This book puts you through so many emotions and shows just how much lives can change due to opioids, but above all, how a mother’s love can persevere through anything.”
_________ Name of Reviewer
“This book puts you through so many emotions and shows just how much lives can change due to opioids, but above all, how a mother’s love can persevere through anything.”
_________ Name of Reviewer
“This book puts you through so many emotions and shows just how much lives can change due to opioids, but above all, how a mother’s love can persevere through anything.”
_________ Name of Reviewer
***All proceeds go to benefit the Christopher Wolf Crusade. The Christopher Wolf Crusade (CwC) is a 501(c)3 providing preventative solutions, education, and advocacy for the American opioid epidemic.

***All proceeds go to benefit the Christopher Wolf Crusade. The Christopher Wolf Crusade (cwc) is a 501(c)3 providing preventative solutions, education, and advocacy for the American opioid epidemic.